At the Green Party US web site... http://www.gp.org/
Green Party US is selling Green ribbon magnets that say "Green Party" and "Bring them home NOW"
At the Green Party
US web site I found the following link contrasting positions of the Green Party with the Democrats and Republicans, entitled
"the real difference: detailed issue comparison"
Invasion and occupation of Iraq
Oppose Greens opposed the invasion of Iraq and oppose the continued occupation
of the country. Greens favor an immediate withdrawal of US troops and US influence over Iraq as an occupying power. Greens
favor giving the UN and a regional coalition a major role in dealing with security issues during Iraq's transition to a new
["Greens...oppose the continued occupation...favor an immediate withdrawal of US troops..." That sounds
like an unqualified "Out Now" position, something like the unqualified "Out Now" position that Jay Pond advocated
before he recently "clarified" his position. -Comment by Doug Mann]
Here's Mike Cavlan's position, from his web
Summary-MY Position on Iraq
Immediate pull out of all government personnel, overt and covert. Close
and abandon all military bases Establish a Depleted Uranium Iraqi Clean Up Super Fund Establish a Depleted Uranium
Iraqi Medical Fund