K-12 Education Policy
A discussion re: curriculum, instruction, testing, and discrimination
by Nancy Sayed and Doug Mann (edited by Doug Mann)
A Missouri school teacher, Nancy Sayed discusses the dynamics of institutionalized racism in the public schools,
and explains how testing is being used to promote an agenda of decentralizing and privatizing the public school system in
urban areas, not as a tool to close the academic achievement gap.
Nancy Sayed has over 30 years experience as a classroom teacher in Missouri public schools.
University of Washington web site
(Edited by UW Sociology Department). A Selection of comments from an on-line
dialogue taking place in Nov 2001, soon after school board elections in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Assigned reading for
Sociology 401 / Service learning program (teacher training in association with the Seattle Public Schools), University of
Washington, Spring 2004. A backup copy of The Coleman Report (by Doug Mann) is on the Mann for School Board web site.
The unabridged version can be found here in three parts:
Racial Achievement Gap:
Comments from an on-line dialogue taking place prior to school board elections in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
October 2004
Submitted to the Star-Tribune for publication
on 28 October 2004
Posted 29 Oct 2004 Mann for School Board
web site
MPS strategic goals are, on paper, 'closing the gap' & improving the quality
of instruction / education, but district leaders have chosen ineffective strategies and inefficient processes.
to the Minneapolis NAACP branch
Feb 2005
*Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Appended: Excerpts from Minnesota Appeals Court Opinions re: district's
duty to "realign"
by Doug Mann, 4 July 2004
Edited by Doug Mann, 20 July 2004
Comment on the Proposal for a Mediated Settlement
15 Febuary 1999
Comment on the 19 March 1999 "State executive branch response to Plaintiff's
settlement proposal in the NAACP and Xiong cases"
30 March 1999
News Reporting
Minnesota Spokesman-Recorder
Originally posted 12/11/2003
The City's legal strategy to not replace demolished housing
The Pulse of the Twin Cities
Wednesday 24 September 2003
The Pulse of the Twin Cities
October 1, 2003
The Pulse of the Twin Cities
19 May 1999
The Pulse of the Twin Cities
10 March 1999
Altering perceptions instead of overhauling a failing
Memoir of a union activist
2001 Nurses' Strike, Twin Cities
Support Fairview Nurses Fight for Safe Staffing!
Text of flyer distributed in May-June 2001
How the strike movement of 9,000 RNs
in the Twin Cities was derailed (May-June
9 July 2001
Political Economy
Two Views of American Capitalism in the Late 20th Century
A Critique of Robert Reich's Theory of the "New Economy."
28 May 1994