Doug Mann LPN, LNC

French & Spanish

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French and Spanish

Doug Mann

Resume / resources


1st year Spanish courses at the U of MN in 1976 and 1985.

2001-2002 Independent study / refresher, instructional materials include:

Pimsleur audio tapes (level 1 & 2), Grammar reviews, vocabulary cards, literature in Spanish, movies on DVD with Spanish language sound tracks, “Destinos: an introduction to Spanish” televised course (52 half-hour episodes on tape).

Literature in Spanish, More than 40 titles read since 2001.

Favorite author: Isabel Allende (13 titles read)

Volunteer tutor, English / Spanish Adult Education class. Opportunity for English language learners to practice English (and get homework help). Spanish language learners also get some practice speaking Spanish.


Independent study since 2002, instructional materials include:

“Mastering French” audio / reading (Levels 1 & 2), “Pimsleur” audio tapes (levels 2 & 3), Cortina Method: French in 20 Lessons, French grammar reviews (Wiley self-teaching guide & French Now!), "Vis Ed" vocabulary cards, movies on DVD with French language sound tracks. Hachette Lecture Facile series (extremely condensed and simplified versions of French literature), “French in Action” televised course (52 half-hour episodes on tape)

French literature (over 90 titles read)

Favorite authors, less difficult to read: Danielle Steel (8 titles), Albert Camus, Agatha Christie, John Grisham.

Favorite authors, more challenging: Emile Zola, Maurice LeBlanch (Arsene Lupin series), Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Marcel Proust.

Weekly gatherings of French speakers, Saturdays, starting about 10 to 11 AM until 2 to 3 PM

Additional education /employment history