Doug Mann LPN, LNC

Modern Greek resources

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Modern Greek Resources

Bibliagora - online Greek language bookstore

Papaloizos Publications - Modern Greek courses & study aids for adults and children

Greek books by Papaloizos Publications

Learn Greek Online - A free course (temporarily shut down)

I have not been able to find any Modern Greek courses offered by educational institutions in the Twin Cities area. I am thinking about starting a Modern Greek study group early in 2009.

I have studied Modern Greek since 2006, initially using Barron's Mastering Greek (basic Greek course), Conversational Modern Greek in 20 lessons (Cortina Method), Pimsleur Modern Greek (Speak and read level one, includes 30 all-audio half-hour lessons) and a free online Greek Course (listed above). I have not tried out the Rosetta Stone Modern Greek course, but have heard it is very good.

I am currently using a textbook, "Modern Greek" (Theodore Papaloizos, Papaloizos publications), with a workbook and audio CD, which may be a good choice for a beginner, either for independent study or as part of a class). Papaloizos publications also has course materials for children in elementary and middle school grades.

I also like a course, "Communicate in Greek," available through Bibliagora, though it may be more difficult for a beginner to use than the "Modern Greek" course by Theodore Papaloizos, especially those learning Greek without a teacher.

Greek "Easy Readers," also available though Bibliagora, would be helpful to someone who has learned at least 600 to 1000 commonly used Greek words.