Dave Tilsen writes: "I agree
with Mr. Mann that this is a terrible situation that results in the district losing the best probationary teachers
over the summer. I just would like to point out that right now very smart people have spent a lot of time trying to
solve this problem..."
"...Given the rather arcane bidding process, and the ability of teachers to retire or not
retire at any time, with the resulting fact that buildings are not sure what teachers they will need to fill from
probationary teachers in July..."
[Doug Mann] By late June the board should have an estimate of the quantity
of teaching jobs in every licensure area which need to be filled before the start of the fall term. By late June the
board also has a draft budget that includes estimates of student enrollment and of revenues under various scenarios.
It is true that teachers have the ability to retire or not retire at any time. However they ordinarily can't start
collecting their pension or take a teaching job with another school district unless they give notice by April
1 of the calendar year they retire.
And the possibility that some teachers will retire without giving proper notice
is not a very good reason to send lay off notices to low seniority teachers. Think about it. How do you figure you
might need to lay off a low-seniority due to the possibility that a high seniority teacher will decide to retire without
giving proper notice?
I recognize that it is preferable for the district to err on the side of sending lay off
notices to too many teachers, rather than too few, in order to hedge its bets. If the district lays off a teacher
without giving notice by June 30, the district has to pay most of the teacher's salary during the upcoming years.
sending off lay off notices to 608 teachers when you plan to recall about 450 of those teachers goes way beyond what
is needed to hedge your bets. That is what happened in 2004. And in 2005 lay off notices went out to 575 teachers,
and again a large majority were recalled or replaced. There were only about 1,700 positions budgeted for fiscal year 2003-2004
district saves tens of millions of dollars each year with its revolving door for low seniority teachers. That is a
pretty strong motive for jacking up teacher turnover rates by sending off so many lay off notices. There is no law that
requires the district to do that.
Dave Tilsen writes: "Doug's offhand comment that eliminating Teacher tenure and
seniority would solve the problem is a little naive..."
[Doug Mann] Dave Tilsen is putting words in my mouth. I
have repeatedly advocated the preservation, not the elimination of teacher tenure and seniority rights.
As I noted
in "Why we can't wait,"
Completely stripping teachers of their seniority and tenure rights is the ultimate solution
to the inequitable distribution of teaching talent recommended by the Bush administration. That's also a method of
"corrective action" required in the "No Child Left Behind" federal education bill of 2001. The Congressional leadership
of the Democratic and Republican Parties supported that bill.
The NCLB solution to dysfunctional public schools
is, in reality, to downsize the public schools, isolate and weaken the teachers unions, to transform teachers unions
into company unions or get rid of them, and to eventually end public education as we know it.
Under NCLB,
the options for a majority of low-income and nonwhite students in urban public schools are being narrowed to 'poor-performing'
public schools and semi-public charter schools. The charter schools do not have as much public financial support as
regular public schools and generally provide instruction of lower quality than is provided by the better public
schools. Under NCLB, high performing public schools are not an option for the majority of low-income and nonwhite
students in dysfunctional school districts.
Whipping up support for NCLB-inspired changes in the MN teacher
tenure law was an objective of the teacher realignment of 2004. Most of the realigned teachers accepted the realignment,
and the district reportedly backed off of plans to realign teachers who challenged it, so its legality was never tested
in the courts.
And we should not forget Dave Jennings vision of eventually replacing all of the district run schools
with charter schools.
During the administration of Thandiwe Peebles, the board tried to rally public support for
NCLB-inspired changes in the MN Teacher Tenure Act and teachers contract. The district's leadership acknowledged that
the teacher's contract, as written and enforced, has contributed to a situation the district's least experienced teachers
are heavily concentrated in schools that serve students from poor neighborhoods.
I am for modifying the teacher
assignment system so that inexperienced teachers are more evenly distributed throughout the district's schools. However,
I am opposed to disturbing teacher tenure and seniority rights more than is necessary to set aside "teacher in training"
positions in schools that do not have their fair share of inexperienced teachers.
Teacher Tenure Act
& the Strand Decision http://educationright.com/id393.htm
Topic: Teachers http://educationright.com/id471.htm