by Doug Mann, 26 October 2006
"In 2006 it is time to put away the 1970's rhetoric that casts minorities as victims and all systems as oppressive..."
- Chris Stewart, 27 March 2006 in response to comments by Doug Mann regarding institutionalized racism in the Minneapolis
Public Schools.
Condensed statements by candidates during a Insight News public policy forum, the Star-Tribune's picks for Minneapolis
School Board
by Doug Mann, 20 October 2006
"During this past year I also
had the opportunity to work fairly closely with David Jennings. Over time I came to appreciate what a gift he was to the Minneapolis
Public Schools and how right Carol Johnson had been to hire him..." - Pam Costain, letter-to-the-editor of Southside Pride.
Posted by Doug Mann, 20 October 2006
Submitted by Doug Mann for publication in the Star-Tribune on 19 October 2006
Response by Doug Mann, 19 October 2006
26 September 2006
Doug Mann, 10 October 2006
Doug Mann, 10 October 2006
Doug Mann, 12 October 2006
Sould Iraq be the acid test for Green Party candidates, especially those standing for election to federal offices?